Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Magic Tomato" story from todays CBS Network Early Show

Please see the "Magic Tomato" story from todays CBS Network Early Show (Oct. 28th, 2008) and consider how relevant our Mona-Vie timing is. Thanks to the hightest grade quotient of anti-oxidants found in Mona-Vie, 4 0zs. of Mona-Vie delivers the equivalent of 13 fruit nutrient servings. Below link to a story breaking today, and frequently hereafter, on the healing powers of foods rich in anti-oxidants. Does this tomato remind you of anything?ttp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/10/27/eveningnews/main4550780.shtml

Have a great day!
Shelly and Alex Hyde-White

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Test for Oley's Film: Dead Whisper

To view, click below or copy and paste to Youtube:


This is a self-produced video test for Oley Sassone's new indie thriller "Dead Whisper." Oley directed 1994's "The Fantastic Four" where i played Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic. It was an difficult and ultimately interesting time in my personal life, when the moniker "Mr. Fantastic" may have been challenged in certain circles. No small irony that this current scene calls for a disgruntled father to put his life back in order--in true American gothic style.

This character is more "Mr. Fantasy."

Thanks for watching,
Alex Hyde-White

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


My cousin Jonathan is a funny guy, a good writer, baseball player and working member of the entertainment industry. He has a great take on the current political cycle with his new line of "Old Skool" T-Shirts. Check them out at: http://www.myspace.com/POLITICKLETEEZ and tell them we sent you. Have a great day, and let's try and support both tickets!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bill Gross Editorial

Bill Gross is one of the smartest economists in the land, as well as a friend.

Below is his Washington Post editorial.

How Main Street Will Profit
By William H. Gross                 Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Capitalism is a delicate balance between production and finance. Today, our seemingly guaranteed living standard is threatened, much like it has been in previous recessions or, some would say, the Depression. Finance has run amok because of oversecuritization, poor regulation and the excessively exuberant spirits of investors; the delicate balance has once again been disrupted; production, and with it jobs and our national standard of living, is declining.
If this were a textbook recession, policy prescriptions would recommend two aspirin and bed rest -- a healthy dose of interest rate cuts and a fiscal package that mildly expanded the deficit. That, of course, has been the attempted remedy over the past 12 months. But recent events have made it apparent that this downturn differs from recessions past. Today's housing bubble, unlike that of the stock market's before it, was financed with excessive and poorly regulated mortgage debt, and as housing prices began to tumble from the peak, the delinquencies and foreclosures have led to a downward spiral of debt liquidation that in turn led to even lower prices and more foreclosures. And so, instead of mild medication and rest, it became apparent that quadruple bypass surgery is necessary. The extreme measures are extended government guarantees and the formation of an RTC -like holding company housed within the Treasury. Critics call this a bailout of Wall Street; in fact, it is anything but. I estimate the average price of distressed mortgages that pass from "troubled financial institutions" to the Treasury at auction will be 65 cents on the dollar, representing a loss of one -third of the original purchase price to the seller, and a prospective yield of 10 to 15 percent to the Treasury. Financed at 3 to 4 percent via the sale of Treasury bonds, the Treasury will therefore be in a position to earn a positive carry or yield spread of at least 7 to 8 percent. Calls for appropriate oversight of this auction process are more than justified. There are disinterested firms, some not even based on Wall Street, with the expertise to evaluate these complicated pools of mortgages and other assets to assure taxpayers that their money is being wisely invested. My estimate of double -digit returns assumes lengthy ownership of the assets and is in turn dependent on the level of home foreclosures, but this program is, in fact, directed to prevent just that. In effect, the Treasury will have the fate of the American taxpayer in its hands. The Resolution Trust Corp. , created in the late 1980s to deal with the savings and loan crisis, dealt with previously purchased real estate, which was flushed into government hands with a "best efforts" future liquidation. Today, the purchase of junk mortgages, securitized credit card receivables and even student loans will be bought at prices significantly below "par" or cost, and prospectively at levels allowing for capital gains. This is a Wall Street-friendly package only to the extent that it frees up funds for future loans and economic growth. Politicians afraid of parallels to legislation that enabled the Iraq war are raising concerns about a rush to judgment, but the need for speed is clear. In this case, there really are weapons of mass destruction -- financial derivatives -- that threaten to destroy our system from within. Move quickly, Washington, with appropriate safeguards.


The Treasury proposal will not be a bailout of Wall Street but a rescue of Main Street, as lending capacity and confidence is restored to our banks and the delicate balance between production and finance is given a chance to work its magic. Democratic Party earmarks mandating forbearance on home mortgage foreclosures will be critical as well. If this program is successful, however, it is obvious that the free market and Wild West capitalism of recent decades will be forever changed. Future economic textbooks are likely to teach that while capitalism is the most dynamic and productive system ever conceived, it is most efficient over the long term when there is another delicate balance -- between private incentive and government oversight.

The writer is chief investment officer and founder of the investment management firm PIMCO. ©  2008 The Washington Post Company

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday LA Times: Acai Growing Big!!

Just back from the Mona-Vie Annual Conference in Salt Lake City (pictured w/ Dr. Julia Pennington): to the front page article in today's Sunday L.A. Times how the Acai berry is a "global wonder berry." Follow the link below:


Our Mona-Vie has the highest grade Acai compared to most all of the other mass produced products. It's all good, but Mona-Vie is best. Please consider how we may help you achieve your short term goals of becoming Star 500 by helping you host your own tasting, or bring your prospects to our next one. We are all on the same Team. Your success is vital to our success.

Please Drink it, Feel it, Share it. Consume, Merchandise, Teach.

Best wishes from Team TMG,

Shelly and Alex

The Number One brand in the fast growing Acai berry segment of the functional beverage industry

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jefferson and Franklin: A New Play

Producer Victor Bardack is planning the West Coast premiere of

"Jefferson and Franklin".

<= is a wardrobe picture and invite from our NYC Spring workshop reading hosted by, and at, The Coffee House.

The Coffee House - 20 West 44th Street (Sixth Floor) - New York, NY 10036


Wednesday, March 12

The play:
Franklin & Jefferson—Sex, Politics & the American Revolution

The playwrights: Victor Bardack and James Gabler

Alex Hyde-White and Ed Bell will be performing in a costumed one-act of this new work bringing to life not just the memorable events of the 12 years from the appointment of George Washington as commander-in-chief to Franklin's return from France, but also Jefferson's and Franklin's embarrassments, disappointments, intrigues, and, yes, among other things, women.

Wine bar opens at 6 p.m. Program: 6:45 p.m. Dinner following ($40)
$10 door charge (waived if you stay for dinner)

Please reserve for the dinner - 212 391-5609 or

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic Fever

See this mention for the 1984 NBC TV Movie: "The First Olympics" i did with Caruso. Filmed in London and Athens, it's still the best job any of us ever had. ahw

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pesce's Renewal Vows

Santa Monica, CA.--Dr. Wood said it best at today's 10 year anniversary celebration and wedding renewal of our dear friends Louise and Steve Pesce, "this is the Easter of your marriage." "Resurrection Life, for it is God who renews and it is God's love that inspires."

Several close friends witnessed an emotionally joyful, simple and elegant ceremony, that well balanced formality and familiarity, in the Sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church of Santa Monica. Following the 20 minute service, the Pesces hosted a five-star lunch at The Lobster at Santa Monica pier. It was a grand meal and capped a memorable, unique day for this lovely couple whose graceful and generous spirit grows ever more verdant. Their love and committment to one another, as well as to their friends and their church home here by the sea, is real and human. The bride wore a simple lavendar gown, barenecked until presented with a simple and elegant Tiffany chain bearing a small cross, while the groom received a small silver lapel pin in the form of the traditional Christian cross. The ceremony was performed by the Reverand Dr. William Wood and the couple were attended by my darling Shelly and myself. Steve's mother, Rose, in from New Jersey presented Louise with her bouquet. Photos by Shelly Hyde-White

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Dark Knight Darkly

Having just seen the Batman movie, here are my questions to self. Is it the ID unchecked, does it celebrate pure joy thru, traveling on the impregnable vehicle called mayhem. If, as we are told, the strength of a story lies in its villain then this is a strong story all right. That we celebrate the joyous nature of the actor's performance is something to think about, perhaps, for a moment. The character has all motive removed from his nature, allowing him to act unfettered like a baby. Only this is one smart baby who seems to be saying, "if you remove the rules, then you are unbeatable." Remember when McEnroe was the darling of US tennis, the brash American? We marveled at his game and, for me, anyway, justified his antics as being necessary for the result. The end justified the means, if the means was to win championships. But for him, it seemed then that he had issues and in his joy, his angst ridden joy, of playing tennis at the highest possible level he was "working them out." Much is the same here of the Joker. He's not evil incarnate, whatever that means, but sympathetic in a humanistic way as he bluffs and feints his way thru one chaotically destructive moment to another. It's just a movie, yes, but whatever our grand contribution is to the global psyche, our greatest American exportable resource is probably, at this point, digitally encoded information designed to entertain and generate commerce. Film (although it's not film anymore), Television, and other pop culture delivery systems. Rarely does art and commerce converge for two-and-a-half hours as it does in this case and the results are certainly satisfying to both houses thanks to the presumed moral compass of the captain, the director. How he navigates the project thru the Time Warner conglomerate is a faithful reassurance of the big-box theory of entertainment creation, the studio system. For this picture is clearly not a result of a committee, rather a technically gifted group who have nurtured their baby and now, like the rest of us, sit back and watch. They have, both, prepared him to comingle as much as they have let him loose on the world. Sadly the actor who crafted this graceful, terrifyingly joyful performance is not here to help us frame it, perhaps to give it context, even if it would be to say, "Hey, I had fun with this! It's art, don't try this at home." For those of us who live in world of entertainment and pop culture as a business and, for those of us who further appreciate the fleeting opportunities to "enjoy the show", this filmed story may give us a bridge which, when crossed, may help further the cause of personal involvement; involvement in self, family, community and the world at large. The id unchecked knows no balance and ultimately no joy, without other elements by which to reflect off of. But yes, it is fun, more than fun, to watch. It's the nagging feeling that the "more than fun" part is elusive enough to find a bottom before it finds a top that may be worrisome, if you are in law enforcement anyway. Not show business.




Monday, June 9, 2008

Marine Corps Celebrity Classic

Saturday June 7, 2008:

Day One of the tourney was hot and a golfing struggle. I did enjoy the company of former Senior Tour player Dick Goetz, and his wife, as well as being paired with Jim Hart and Gorman Thomas, however. Also, my caddie Tom and his son Tommy were a joy to be with. The evening's "Family Night" at Hill Field was warm and friendly. We sang "God Bless America," led by Doug Flynn, to the crowd assembled for the fireworks. (See accompanying pictures) My good friend Michael Teig joined me this week in the BOQ, caught up on pressing TigerLight web-work, and enjoyed the fellowship and great cause on offer at the Marine Corps Celebrity Classic. Please see www.tigerlight.net/t100 for the new light/spray combo given away.
Sunday June 8, 2008:

Paired with John Congemi and Buddy Shelton, the trick shot artist, on the final day was great. John is a very good player, a la Freddie (Couples.) Being the first tournament back after January's ski injury at Park City, expectations were low and my subsequent scores were high. Not traveling my bag meant easier airport transfers but I missed my Bridgestone Irons and Bobby Jones woods. Did play nine holes, however, at today's final round with the new El Diablo driver from Krank Golf, new equipment sponsors at the Marine Corps Celebrity Classic, having borrowed it from Chris Mohr's son Garrett who won it at Silent Auction night at the New River Hanger. Birdies on Paradise Point's Par 4 8th and Par 3 16th helped the golf part end on a good note. My friend from MCCC One (2004), Marine Captain Mike Bradford picked me up from the Bachelor's Officer Quarters for a comfortable ride to Jacksonville Airport. Their daughter Devon is graduating from high school and they have a busy week ahead. Mike has done four tours as an infantry Captain, in Fallujah, Ramadi and other hot spots and I was happy to hear that on the last tour he lost no Marines to combat casualty, a sign of relative calm for sure. His new posting is as a trainer at the new MARSOC (Marine Special Ops) Facility being readied for this September.

Below: Jim Hart, Alex Hyde-White, Dick Goetz, Gorman Thomas: MCCC Day One Pairing

Family Night at Hill Field: Osprey (above), Fireworks (below)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pictures from MCCC Golf

Paradise Point Golf Course, on base at Camp Lejeune, NC. Today was day one of the 5th Annual Marine Corps Celebrity Classic: Troop Scramble Day. This is the day where we play with active duty Marines. Warm on the course, but with the steady wind pleasant. I was paired with 29 year old Demolitions Sgt. John Leavens, who was joined by his wife Sabrina and six year-old son Damien on the back nine. John was a construction worker back home who joined the Marines after some workplace accidents injured his arms. “Heck, if I was going to get injured I figured I may as well join the camouflage gun club that we call the Marine Corps and have some real fun, “were his thoughts. Recently re-enlisted, John made Sgt. in a little over three years, just bought a nice home outside of Jacksonville and has a decent golf game. California comedian Scott Henry and Navy CWO4 De Frieze filled out the foursome, and the day was filled with laughs all around especially when, in front of us, play slowed down considerably due to fat white goose sunning by the lake on No. 5. No picture, sadly. The evening function brought players and sponsors together at Commanding General Bob Dickerson’s home, where the recently returned from Iraq, Marine Second Division band performed.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Welcome to Mona-Vie:Team TMG


Welcome to Team TMG, a fast growing network of distributors in the fastest growing company in the functional beverage industry, Mona-Vie. Team TMG is a Santa Monica based distributor dedicated to helping you grow your own Mona-Vie business. We are part of Team Abundance; Grayson Marshall's Florida based team of trainers, and under the direct supervision of Team Massive Passive; the dynamic New Zealand team headed by our good friends Corinna and Phil Jones. Some of you met them when they co-hosted our Home Tasting last month and found them to be genuinely dedicated to empowering us all to great success in Mona-Vie. Their philosophy is our philosophy, by understanding and emphasizing the health benefits that regular consumption of Mona-Vie provides, it is easy to let the business aspects of the conversation follow. Think of it as you being a veteran real estate broker, an expert in Bel-Air homes: all you need is a clean car, your cellphone on vibrate, a calm and confident disposition and you will gracefully achieve your goal, they will tell you what house they want to buy as they are all good—such is the way of Mona-Vie. It is a great product in an easy to use container. Please consider how we may help you achieve your short term goals of becoming Star 500 by helping you host your own tasting, or bring your prospects to our next one. We are all on the same Team. Your success is vital to our success. Please Drink it, Feel it, Share it. Consume, Merchandise, Teach. Best wishes from Team TMG, Shelly and Alex




Sunday, April 27, 2008

Welcome Corinna and Phil Jones:

Thursday Apr. 24, 2008: Santa Monica-

We had a welcome wine and Mona-Vie tasting party at our place for our delightful Kiwi friends Corinna and Phil Jones. A dozen of our friends came together on a beautiful Spring evening, on our new hardwood floor. Ol' 16th St homestead looked nice and sleek. The health benefits and superb business of Mona-Vie, the super-juice blend, were discussed among interested and sophisticated parties. Johnny Disco wore his spats and did a bit of a moonwalk, Mary Lindes, Ida Mason, Shannon Sturgess and Mary-Beth (who shared her moving story about first drinking Mona-Vie, aiding in healthy recovery) along with our son Garrick and cousin Jonathan. We adjourned at 8:30 when we took them back to the Sofitel, stopping at Dolores for a good grub up. Go to www.mymonavie.com/tmg to learn more about the juice.

Saturday Apr. 26, 2008:

British Consulate- June St, Hancock Park: British Consul General Bob and Sharon Peirce welcomed a few hundred of their friends to the BritWeek tea party on a warm Saturday afternoon at the consulate, which had a decidedly Epsom Derby air. Women in hats, men in suits and open collars, good food and music made for a festive and charming day. I was happy to see Ruth McCartney, JoAnn Lichtenstein, Gillian Campbell, Mindy Gail, Anna and Barry Harvey, Michael Laine, Paul Wright, Ollie Dunning, John and Stephanie Mowbray, Ross King and Brianna, Julian Stone, Nicola and Gavin Scott, and make some new friends. There is a vibrant British community in Los Angeles and I am happy to keep up with them. See enclosed pictures of the lovely afternoon. Afterwards, we had a light supper at Orso with Wayne Tempero, the New Zealand self-defense expert who may be doing some TigerLight work with us quite soon. Check the News on this site to keep up with that, and on http://www.tigerlight.net/.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Our First MonaVie tasting, with Corinna and Phil Jones

Shelly and I thank you for being a part of our "new floor-warming" party last night.The New Zealand Wines were tasty. How lovely that our guests and co-hosts, Phil and Corinna, having just arrived yesterday, were able to meet our friends, share the Mona-Vie story and have a few laughs. Barry looked great in his new Mona-Vie track jacket! Thanks to the boys for letting us keep the game room, and doesn't that Wii cordless tennis game look fun! Heck, Jack was fishing on it before the end. Speaking of which, you could see why we are hooked on the MonaVie blend of 19 superfruits, starring the Acai berry; it's tasty and effective--and fun to use and work with. Please, y'all, in a few days let me know how it's working for you and next time we do this let the reason be to hear your story. Our homes* will be healthier.
Fond regards, Hyde-White's.*MonaVie tasting partys work well on carpeted floors, too!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Happiest Month

The calendar reminds us chill no longer in the air

Cold days are getting longer warmer feelings everywhere

It's been a while since Punxsutawney had his fill of darker hue

The beach starts to look inviting as we lace our baseball shoe.

Lenten season soon left wanting comes again to stir us all

Those Sunday morning soulful soirées do prepare us for the call

But for all those many splendors stands out one, O greatest joys

March brings with it celebrations of our two, our Greatest boys.

The one he is a jumper and the other turns a phrase

They both soon know the other more than just a passing phase

Be they mugging for the camera or firmly standing, like a boy

They hang like a Christmas stocking filled with insulated joy.

Watch them when they're not looking and you'll see them at their best

When they're dealing with a colleague getting something off their chest

It may look like something simple to our oh-so sketchy eye

For in playground negotiation lays our future bye and bye

We all want something better and for this keep do we try

Another generation for another piece of pie

We have so much to give that it seems endless does our love

For it comes from somewhere deeper and it rains down from above

There's no reason for any goodness as there's no reason for the bad

One dines on what is on the table and washes with the fad

Be honest to goodness youth firm and bold in word and deed

The love you give us parents is the only thing we need.

So ring in one and twenty come again soon sons thirteen

The calendar lays open….



Saturday, March 8, 2008

Our A Ball Yankees

We had our second game of the new Little League season today, under a warm and clear sky at Stewart Park in Santa Monica. Scoring 10 runs against the Mariners, it felt like Spring! Joshua Segal's mom Joanne brought pizza for after the game, Miller had visitors in from Toronto, and the Eliot boys from England dropped in for a visit, and were most welcome. They practiced with us on Friday, Michael getting a nice hit. I do like those Friday practices, a nice way to end the week and a great way to prime the body and mind for the weekend's game. With three weeks off for Spring Break, it is best to categorize these last two games as " training" practice games. A new division for Santa Monica Little League, "A" ball is machine pitch, with one umpire standing next to the machine. Everyone bats, but only ten players take the field on defense. Frank Gress has good hands and looks comfortable at second base. Ben Rothenberg has the steady manner of a first baseman. The infield is big so none of our charges can be expected to make too strong a throw from third base or shortstop, but both William and Jack look good over there. Catchers are Chris, who had a great game today going three for three, that he easily won the game ball; Miller, William, Jack, Joshua and…anyway, there is a healthy group of willing catchers.
"Learning to walk before running" has been the motto of the first two weeks. Now, with ten runs on the board after the second game—the result of some key base hits due to speedy running to first—the Santa Monica A Ball Yankees may indeed come back after the break a cohesive hitting and fielding team that employs fair play, good sportsmanship and healty age-appropriate competition. Scoring is kept at the division level with runs tallied but there is no loser. Having said that, our boys do want to "win" and, if parents can take them out in the late afternoon sun now that Daily Savings time kicks into it's Spring mode, and throw and field then we will be far along our happy season's journey.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Announcing our new webmanager.

Marina Palacios of Sao Paulo Brazil is responsible for the new look on my website. Thanks to her, i can stay current with friends and other inquiring persons. She lived with us in Santa Monica for a time while she studied English, which came easy for this cosmopolitan traveler. She came skiing with us, went to Disneyland, even brought her man Gui back for a lovely repeat stay last Summer, 2007. Thank you Marina, for the new dynamic look to my site and for helping me keep up with fans and friends. Love, Peace and Health to you always. Alex Hyde-White

Our MonaVie Story: Why we are drinking the juice!

MY STORY Dear Inquiring Friends, Let us tell you about why we are enthusiastic about MonaVie. Firstly, we like the juice. It's tasty, as expected from a juice drink rich in antioxidents, but not heavy like some. Secondly, it's the story of the way we got in. We first discovered Monavie last Summer 2007 and sort of shook it off. However, we were reintroduced to it earlier this year by some new friends-- a dynamic, healthy, successful couple with multiple and varied businesses who enjoy MonaVie simply because of the daily benefits to their health, and the ever-growing passive income. They were the right models for this new way of doing business. Like them, many people are finding that MonaVie, literally, pays residual benefits in two ways--health and wealth. This time around, the timing was right, and we quickly joined the family of MonaVie distributors. The axiom of "Drink It, Feel It, Share It" is all you need to do to get started, and it's simple! The share comes quite easily, after you feel the benefits of drinking it, 1 or 2 ozs. twice a day. People will want to know about it. In many cases, like ours, we knew of it, we just hadn't acted on it. Well, now we have! If you like it and feel it's healthful effects, then we recommend signing up as a distributor. That too is easy to do. A modest start up cost of a few hundred dollars gets you enough product to begin your adventure with. That's right, a $39 Distributor Kit and a few bottles of MonaVie can be the beginning of what could become a six-figure retirement for you within a few years! One thing you don't need is a background in business or nutrition -- MonaVie has plenty of tools and training to coach you every step of the way. With MonaVie, you will find people who look forward to talking with you about your goals and dreams, and you can be sure we'll be committed to working with you to realize them. Finally, please consider these two points: One, let us acknowledge that social networking is changing the advertising world, enhancing (if not replacing) traditional print and media campaigns with more mobile, interactive models. Old phrases like "put the product in your hand," "you have got to try this!"and "word of mouth" are being put to new use as "relationship marketing" models, employing "one-on-one" methods of building product awareness and driving sales. And...it... is... working!!! For instance, look at the world of independent film and music, they rely on it, Relationship marketing is a growing sector, and it may be the future of advertising. Regardless, when it comes to MonaVie, with sooo many people out there, the future is now! Grab it, seize it, benefit by it. Point two is scientific evolution: nanotechnology has enabled research scientists to work on such a smaller molecular level, with the relevant result that we--the Human race--have been rewarded with the almost supernaturally dense Acai berry, the hidden gem of the Amazon. It's been there for a long time but we've only just "discovered" the clean, healthy and positive medicinal benefits of the fruit. You know, MonaVie may even help combat global warming! It's true, just look at the MonaVie Video or DVD to see the impact that this indiginous fruit is having on the rain forest. Finally, and most importantly, personally speaking we feel there is much to gain from drinking MonaVie, as a customer or a distributor. Take it from your actor, film producer, corporate consulting, theatre directing friend--the business of show can be an energy drain. I really like my pour of MonaVie and, even more importantly, I can tell that...it...likes...me. My wife Shelly is jogging without as much knee pain, even after her Summer 2006 scoping at Kerlan-Jobe. She is a real down-to-earth gal. Not pushy or aggressive and when i see her talk about the juice to friends i know. MonaVie is for real. Join us! Send us a line and we'll be happy to talk to you about it. Have a great season! Shelly and Alex Hyde-White of Santa Monica, CA

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

In Rehearsals for "The Resurrection"

Casting is complete and we have started rehearsals on "The Resurrection" a one act play by William Butler Yeats for our theatre outreach program at First Presbyterian Church of Santa Monica--Arts In Action. Set on the day of the First Easter, a tumultous time in Jerusalem, the story of three citizen soldiers guarding the Apostles is a work of lyric magnificence from the famed Irish writer and Nobel Laureate. The plot revolves around the three citizens, The Hebrew, The Greek and The Syrian, as they debate the changing face of God in and thru Jesus Christ. Jon Hershfield plays the Hebrew, the character most grounded in the reality of the day. He is a client of my theatrical agency, Geddes, and i was happy to find him that way. Damien Burke plays The Greek, the most mercurial of the three and, my friend and champion competetive skiier Nickolai Stoilov plays the Syrian, whose experience in the outside world uniquely qualifies him to deliver the most exciting, and to many, upsetting news--that something incredible has happened. We are scheduled to run for six performances in The Sanctuary at First Presbyterian Church of Santa Monica at 1220 2nd St., Santa Monica, CA 90401. We open Friday March 28th at 7:30 pm, run same time Saturday March 29th and at 4:00pm on Sunday March 30th with the same performance schedule the following weekend April 4-6. Come see us at the theatre. Thanks. Punch

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Pictures from Sundance Mountain

Sundance 2008-Day Two

"All because of Jack, aaall because of Jack..."
is a refrain we sang quite often last year, as parents do. Taking the popular U2 tune and personalizing it to commemorate an event or moment, we'd sing it about school or baseball, creating useful and catchy "brady bunch" moments. Well today was such a day-- the day a snowboarder was born!
Creeping in genetically to a skiing family, Jack approached his first lesson and cruise on a board, at the Sundance Resort, with excitement and confidence. Sundance is a very special place.Turned out as beautifully ith outdoor fire pits and running brooks, genuinely happy staff throughout and no signs of waste or commercialism, save a general store and a ski shop, the site was in great shape for a fine Winter's day. And a fine day it was! Snow conditions were first-class with a six-foot base, morning dusting with afternoon sun and enough moisture under foot to glide with ease. Geared up with a new Rossi board, courtesy of our friend Jonathan at Zermatt's Adventure Haus in Midway, Jack warmed up at the bottom of the hill before hitting the lift with his instructor and one other kid. "I want to show you the Owl Bar," i said to Shelly and we arranged a 2:30 meet at the bottom, as she stayed below to monitor the boy's progress. I took the only lift all the way up to the back mountain and barrelled down. Our drink date was postponed when, upon my arrival at the bottom, i learned that he had taken the lift up. It's a great mountain to learn on for sure, plenty of confidence building slopes in the middle, but it is a long throw on the chair up to even the first get off. So i scooted back up and spied his trio at play. They were boarding allright. HAPPILY! I bombed back down, reported in to Mom and shooed her into to the famous western bar for a lager. Nice. Worked out well. Went back to ski some more.
When meeting up a short while later, Jack stood a bit taller, relaxed and charmed by his successful boarding day. Wanting a few photos more, as Shelly has quite the eye thru the lens, we posed in the center of the oak paneled resort for what folks remarked would be next year's Christmas card, it's such a lovely setting, after a large meandering group of people cleared thru. The day complete, we took in some final images on the veranda as the group emerged again, passing directly in front of us. It was U2's Bono and the Edge, and friends, being shown the place by host and founder Robert Redford. "I want to show them the Owl Bar," he said.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Sundance 2008- Day One

We drove up from Santa Monica, leaving 4:30 pm on Wednesday, Jan. 16. Two hours later we had dinner in LaVerne after traveling 50 miles. Hit the I-15 North, climbing the hill to the high desert. Trip punctuated by moments of anguish as the Fuel light came on in the middle of the Mojave desert between Barstow and Baker. "Dear God," i finally said a silent prayer, "please let there be a gas station soon." And sure enough, over the next ridge was a neon sign, G.A.S. So we put in 3 gallons of $4.15 gas, praying is sometimes expensive but necessary, and gleefully pulled in at Baker for a fillup and refreshment.
Thursday 12:30 am: arrived OASIS Mesquite, NV stayed in a $29 warm and comfy room, won $17 on 50-cent slots. Distance: 387 Miles. Time: 7 Hours

Thursday 0830: Mesquite to Sundance, UT arriving 2:30 pm through Bryce Canyon and the snowy plains. Pulled in the the lower parking at Sundance Resort walked around and checked out the Snowboard School. Had a coffee and a hot chocolate, showed off the Owl Bar and was greeted by Jeff, who was transpo on MOOLA, Don Most's movie we filmed up here in Provo in Nov. 06. Nice welcome, plan on skiing the mountain on Saturday.
4:30 pm:Arrived Zermatt Resort in Heber City to a nice double room with kitchenette, good parking, and a pool, spa with a swim-thru to the outside. Distance: 330 miles. Time: 7 Hours.
Total Driving: 717 Miles: 14 Hours. Dins at Zermatt, hit the sack by 9:30 after Celebrity Apprentice.